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Undergraduate Project


Old Quad, Uni. Melb, MELB



Reimagination and representation of University of Melbourne's Old Quad based off architect Italo Calvino's Hidden Cities 4.

Time notation shows the change in time separating the isometric into two sections. Definition of time is different in Theodora. Each period of time is defined by the animals the humans killed and resets every time a new animal shows up. Thus, time changed when rats were defeated. Passage of time flows from left to right with the left as the past and right as present.


Atmosphere notations mostly work alongside glance and gaze notations and varies in size. Atmosphere notations larger in size depicts a heavier atmosphere at that point in time. For example, the midpoint of the isometric which depicts the last of the rats being exterminated has a somber atmosphere with more gazes and glances.


Direction notation shows the movement of the two species present at the timeline. Direction from the left center shows the rats appearing from down in the sewer and stopping at the center when they died. Direction of humans started from bottom right corner, to the center where they killed all the rats and eventually to the other end of the library where they will meet the ancient animals. Gazes, glance, atmosphere, direction and movement compliments each other particularly at the center of the isometric to depict the most critical moment in the story

Subject Portfolio


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